University of Washington Libraries RDA/RDF Profile for Sound Recordings

Profile: WAU Profile RDA for Sound Recordings
ID WAU:profile:RDA:soundRecording
Author Ben Riesenberg (
Last Updated 2020-08-31
Description Resource templates and property templates for sound recordings

Resource Templates for Sound Recordings

Resource Template: WAU RT RDA Work for Sound Recordings
Resource IRI
Label WAU RT RDA Work
ID WAU:RT:RDA:Work:soundRecording

Property Templates in WAU RT RDA Work for Sound Recordings

Property Template: Administrative Metadata for Work (*)

Property Template: is identified by LC NAF work authority

Property Template: work has contributor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has audio producer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has author agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has authorized access point for work (*)

Property Template: has category of work (Genre lookup)(RDA 6.3)

Property Template: has creator characteristic

Property Template: has commissioning body agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has compiler agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has composer agent of work (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has creator agent of work (RDA 19.2)

Property Template: has date of work (RDA 6.4)

Property Template: has dedicatee agent of work (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has appendix work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has honouree agent of work (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has index work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is inspiration for (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is inspired by (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has interviewee agent of work (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has interviewer agent of work (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has issuing body agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has cadenza work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is cadenza composed for work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has related agent of work

Property Template: has related expression of work

Property Template: has related manifestation of work

Property Template: has related item of work

Property Template: has catalogue work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is adapted as graphic novel work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has choreography work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has librettist agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has libretto work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has lyricist agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has lyrics work

Property Template: has commemoration (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is commemoration of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is adapted as motion picture work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is adaptation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is augmented by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is succeeded by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is continued by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is complemented by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is absorbed by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is preceded by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is absorbed in part by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is paraphrase of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has identifier for work (RDA 6.8)

Property Template: is absorption of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is critique of work (RDA 23.5)

Property Template: is expanded version of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has variant title of work (RDA 6.2.3)

Property Template: is dramatization of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is analysis of work (RDA 23.5)

Property Template: has place of origin of work (RDA 6.5)

Property Template: is continuation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replacement of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replaced by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has errata work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is guide to work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is commentary on work (RDA 23.5)

Property Template: is supplement to work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is addenda to work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is music for work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has related work of work

Property Template: is adapted as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is paraphrased as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is expanded as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is dramatized as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is abridged as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is set to music as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is modified by variation as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is summarized as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is parodied as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is remade as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is imitated as work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is augmentation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is evaluation of work (RDA 23.5)

Property Template: has expression of work (RDA 17.5)

Property Template: has preferred title of work (*) (RDA 6.2.2)

Property Template: is adapted as libretto work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is oratorio adaptation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is summary of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is merger of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is parody of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is radio adaptation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is novelization of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is split into work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replaced in part by work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is absorption in part of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replacement in part of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is abridgement of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is free translation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is review of work (RDA 23.5)

Property Template: is separated from work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has history of work (RDA 6.7)

Property Template: is remake of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is imitation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is verse adaptation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is based on work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is variations based on work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has note on work (RDA 5.9)

Property Template: has University of Washington-specific note on work (RDA 5.9)

Property Template: is opera adaptation of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is adapted as opera work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has opus number (RDA

Property Template: has organizer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is part of work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has part work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has addenda work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has prequel work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has producer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has production company (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has radio director agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has radio program music work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has radio producer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has radio script work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has remix artist agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has numbering of part (RDA 24.6)

Property Template: has sequel work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has serial number of musical work (RDA

Property Template: is sounds for work

Property Template: is split from work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is spoken word for work

Property Template: has sponsoring agent of work (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has derivative work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has supplement work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has subject (RDA 23.4)

Property Template: has coverage of content (This is a note)(RDA 7.3)

Property Template: has nature of content (This is a note)(RDA 7.2)

Property Template: has variant access point for work

Property Template: is music for motion picture work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has numeric designation of musical work (RDA 6.16)

Property Template: is music for radio program work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is adapted as musical theatre work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is music for television program work (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is music for video work (RDA 24.5)

Resource Template: WAU RT RDA Expression for Sound Recordings
Resource IRI
Label WAU RT RDA Expression
ID WAU:RT:RDA:Expression:soundRecording

Property Templates in WAU RT RDA Expression for Sound Recordings

Property Template: Administrative Metadata for Expression

Property Template: has composer of expression (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is identified by Library of Congress Name Authority File expression authority

Property Template: expression has contributor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has abridger agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has arranger agent of music (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is revision of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has authorized access point for expression (Distinct from authorized access point for work)

Property Template: has identifier for expression (RDA 6.13)

Property Template: is augmented by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has category of expression (Lookup for genres applicable to expressions)

Property Template: has censor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has commentator agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has conductor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has DJ agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has editor agent

Property Template: is arrangement of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has date of capture (RDA 7.11.3)

Property Template: is translated as (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is translation of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has script (RDA 7.13.2)

Property Template: has host agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has accessibility content (RDA 7.14)

Property Template: has duration (RDA 7.22)

Property Template: has details of duration (RDA

Property Template: has instructor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has instrumentalist agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has intended audience of expression

Property Template: has cadenza expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is cadenza composed for expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has catalogue expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has supplementary content (RDA 7.16)

Property Template: is complemented by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is adaptation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is continued by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replaced by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is succeeded by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is preceded by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replaced in part by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is absorption of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is augmentation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is expanded version of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is dramatization of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is continuation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has date of expression (RDA 6.10)

Property Template: has related expression of expression

Property Template: is absorbed by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is expanded as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is digested as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is parodied as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is absorbed in part by expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is abridged as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is freely translated as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is remade as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is imitated as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has manifestation of expression (RDA 17.9)

Property Template: is supplement to expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is based on expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has language of expression (RDA 6.11)

Property Template: is opera adaptation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is oratorio adaptation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is merger of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is parody of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is radio adaptation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is novelization of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is absorption in part of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is replacement in part of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is abridgement of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is free translation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is separated from expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is remake of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is imitation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is verse adaptation of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has work expressed (*) (RDA 17.6)

Property Template: has award (RDA 7.28)

Property Template: has choreography expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has related agent of expression

Property Template: has related manifestation of expression

Property Template: has related work of expression

Property Template: has libretto expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has note on expression (RDA 7.29)

Property Template: has other distinguishing characteristic of expression (RDA 6.12)

Property Template: has University of Washington-specific note on expression (RDA 7.29)

Property Template: has note on capture (RDA 7.11.4)

Property Template: is set to music as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has supplement expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has mixing engineer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has moderator agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has musical director agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has narrator agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is merged to form expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has panelist agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has part expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is part of expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has performer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has prequel expression

Property Template: has presenter agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has radio program music expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has radio script expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has recording engineer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has recordist agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has restorationist agent of expression (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has reviser agent

Property Template: has place of capture (RDA 7.11.2)

Property Template: is separated into expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has sequel expression

Property Template: has singer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has sound designer agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has speaker agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is split from expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has storyteller agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has derivative expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has summarization of content (RDA 7.10)

Property Template: has content type (RDA 6.9)

Property Template: has addenda expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has translator agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has guide expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is guide to expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is modified by variation as expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is variations based on expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has variant access point for expression

Property Template: is adapted as video expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has voice actor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is music for motion picture expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has medium of performance of musical content (RDA 7.21)

Property Template: is music for expression (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: expression has subject (RDA 23.4)

Resource Template: WAU RT RDA Manifestation for Sound Recordings
Resource IRI
Label WAU RT RDA Manifestation
ID WAU:RT:RDA:Manifestation:soundRecording

Property Templates in WAU RT RDA Manifestation for Sound Recordings

Property Template: Administrative Metadata for Manifestation

Property Template: has groove characteristic (RDA 3.16.5)

Property Template: has insert (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is inserted in (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has broadcaster agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has variant title of manifestation (RDA 2.3.6)

Property Template: has copyright date (RDA 2.11)

Property Template: has distributor agent (RDA 21.4)

Property Template: has equivalent manifestation (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has uniform resource locator (RDA 4.6)

Property Template: is electronic reproduction of item of

Property Template: is electronic reproduction of manifestation of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has electronic reproduction of manifestation (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has parallel place of production (RDA 2.7.3)

Property Template: has name of producer (RDA 2.7.4)

Property Template: has equipment or system requirement (RDA 3.20)

Property Template: is facsimile of item of

Property Template: is facsimile of manifestation of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has facsimile part (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is facsimile part of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has file size (RDA 3.19.4)

Property Template: has file type (RDA 3.19.2)

Property Template: has type of recording (*) (RDA 3.16.2)

Property Template: has tape configuration (RDA 3.16.7)

Property Template: has generation (RDA 3.10)

Property Template: has groove pitch

Property Template: has groove width

Property Template: has place of manufacture (RDA 2.10.2)

Property Template: has date of manufacture (RDA 2.10.6)

Property Template: has production method (RDA 3.9)

Property Template: has parallel place of manufacture (RDA 2.10.3)

Property Template: has name of manufacturer (RDA 2.10.4)

Property Template: has carrier type (RDA 3.3)

Property Template: has intended audience of manifestation

Property Template: has related agent of manifestation

Property Template: has place of production (RDA 2.7.2)

Property Template: has date of production (RDA 2.7.6)

Property Template: has place of publication (RDA 2.8.2)

Property Template: has date of publication (RDA 2.8.6)

Property Template: has publication statement (RDA 2.8)

Property Template: has designation of edition (RDA 2.5.2)

Property Template: has designation of named revision of edition (RDA 2.5.6)

Property Template: has parallel designation of named revision of edition (RDA 2.5.7)

Property Template: has parallel place of publication (RDA 2.8.3)

Property Template: has parallel designation of edition (RDA 2.5.3)

Property Template: has name of publisher (RDA 2.8.4)

Property Template: is issued with (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has mode of issuance (RDA 2.13)

Property Template: has expression manifested (*) (RDA 17.10)

Property Template: has encoding format (RDA 3.19.3)

Property Template: has media type (RDA 3.2)

Property Template: has playing speed (RDA 3.16.4)

Property Template: has manufacturer agent (RDA 21.5)

Property Template: has other title information (RDA 2.3.4)

Property Template: has note on issue, part, or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestation (RDA 2.17.13)

Property Template: has note on manifestation (RDA 2.17)

Property Template: has University of Washington-specific note on manifestation (RDA 2.17)

Property Template: is accompanied by manifestation (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has identifier for manifestation (RDA 2.15)

Property Template: has restriction on use of manifestation (RDA 4.5)

Property Template: has related manifestation of manifestation

Property Template: is reproduced as manifestation (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has exemplar of manifestation (RDA 17.11)

Property Template: is on disc with manifestation (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has dimensions (RDA 3.5)

Property Template: has numbering within series (RDA 2.12.9)

Property Template: has parallel title of series (RDA 2.12.3)

Property Template: has parallel other title information (RDA 2.3.5)

Property Template: has parallel name of producer (RDA 2.7.5)

Property Template: has parallel name of manufacturer (RDA 2.10.5)

Property Template: has parallel name of publisher (RDA 2.8.5)

Property Template: has parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition (RDA 2.5.9)

Property Template: has parallel statement of responsibility relating to edition (RDA 2.5.5)

Property Template: has parallel statement of responsibility relating to series (RDA 2.12.7)

Property Template: has parallel statement of responsibility relating to title proper (RDA 2.4.3)

Property Template: has parallel name of distributor (RDA 2.9.5)

Property Template: has parallel title proper (RDA 2.3.3)

Property Template: has configuration of playback channels (RDA 3.16.8)

Property Template: is preservation facsimile of item of

Property Template: is preservation facsimile of manifestation of (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has producer agent of unpublished manifestation (RDA 21.2)

Property Template: has publisher agent (RDA 21.3)

Property Template: has recording medium (RDA 3.16.3)

Property Template: has track configuration (RDA 3.16.6)

Property Template: has series statement (RDA 2.12)

Property Template: has other title information of series (RDA 2.12.4)

Property Template: has parallel other title information of series (RDA 2.12.5)

Property Template: has special playback characteristic (RDA 3.16.9)

Property Template: has statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition (RDA 2.5.8)

Property Template: has statement of responsibility relating to edition (RDA 2.5.4)

Property Template: has statement of responsibility relating to series (RDA 2.12.6)

Property Template: has statement of responsibility relating to title proper (RDA 2.4.2)

Property Template: is also issued as (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has extent of manifestation (RDA 3.4)

Property Template: has place of distribution (RDA 2.9.2)

Property Template: has date of distribution (RDA 2.9.6)

Property Template: has parallel place of distribution (RDA 2.9.3)

Property Template: has name of distributor (RDA 2.9.4)

Property Template: has title of series (RDA 2.12.2)

Property Template: has title proper (*) (RDA 2.3.2)

Property Template: manifestation has subject (RDA 23.4)

Property Template: manifestation held by (*)

Resource Template: WAU RT RDA Item for Sound Recordings
Resource IRI
Label WAU RT RDA Item
ID WAU:RT:RDA:Item:soundRecording

Property Templates in WAU RT RDA Item for Sound Recordings

Property Template: Administrative Metadata for Item

Property Template: has donor agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: is on disc with item (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has electronic reproduction of item

Property Template: has facsimile of item

Property Template: has former owner agent (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has note on item (RDA 2.21)

Property Template: is accompanied by item (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has restriction on use of item (RDA 4.5)

Property Template: has restriction on access to item (RDA 4.4)

Property Template: has immediate source of acquisition of item (RDA 2.19)

Property Template: is container of item (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: is contained in item (RDA 24.5)

Property Template: has preservation facsimile of item

Property Template: is reproduced as item

Property Template: has restorationist agent of item (RDA 18.5)

Property Template: has manifestation exemplified (*) (RDA 17.12)

Property Template: item held by (*)

Property Template: item has SuDoc Classification Number

Property Template: item has call number

Property Template: item has physical location (example: suzzallen)

Property Template: item has physical sublocation (example: szstx)

Property Template: item has barcode

This page last updated: 2020-08-31

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